So, coming to the e-mail chain. Check the pic out and my following comment.IF Lord Macaulay were to take rebirth and tour India now, he might say the following:
I could not travel the length or breadth of India for fear of dying in a road accident. But, from whatever I have observed from a safe distance, I have not seen one decent person who is not an opportunistic thief or crook. Such corruption I have seen in this country, such low moral values, that I think we(the British) have done a great job of breaking the Indian spine and ‘westernizing’ them.
Indians now drink foreign liquor, smoke foreign cigarettes, eat western food and buy foreign branded clothes (made in their very backyard) to look and feel better. We (the British) were so darn successful that we rule over Indians, perched safely in London and Washington. Thanks to the convent education and English medium, now most of the youth in India are working in useless jobs for foreign clients, wasting their lives reading useless blogs like this.
Update: Sanjay mohta, a trusted friend and a formidable foe, boo-booed me within nanoseconds of this post going live. Please feel free to check out the inaccuracy of Lord Macaulay's speech.